OID4VP vp_token cross-device flow
See source Diagram or
- User browses to Relying Party (RP) website
- Browser on the user’s device opens the Resource server/website associated with the RP on a device different from its wallet
- The RS/website asks the RP component via its management API to generate a new Authorization Request URI
- The RP generates a new
value which for instance can be used as a browser session using a secure HTTP only cookie, referred to as correlation id. - RP generates an ephemeral key pair to be used for key agreement for response encryption (not supported yet)
- RP generates an OpenID4VP Authorization Request, binding it internally to the
and stores - RP makes sure the Request is accessible using the unique
( e.g.,https://rp.example.com/oid4vp/requests/abcde-abcde-1234
);- The request is bound to the user’s browser session
- It is signed using a key bound to the RP’s metadata that can be retrieved using the RP’s client_id
- It contains the presentation_definition containing the information about the requested (Q)EAAs
- It contains RP’s nonce and state
- It contains the purpose given by the RP
- RP returns the Request to the RS/RP website
- Rs/RP website generate a QR code from the Authorization request
- Rs/RP website returns a HTML page to the browser containing a QR-Code to the wallet app (
). It also sets a Cookie with thestate
value. - The user launches his wallet and hits a button to scan QR-Code from the RP’s website.
- The wallet scans the QR code
- The Wallet starts the OID4VP flow
- The wallet decodes the Authorization Request from the QR-Code and extracts request_uri and client_id
- The wallet optionally evaluates the trust associated with the client_id of the RP (optional)
- The wallet app retrieves the Authorization Request Object from the RP website (
) Example signed JWT whenclient_id_scheme
. This is a vp_token only, meaning only presentation definition and thus Verifiable Presentation is expected
"typ": "oauth-authz-req+jwt",
"alg": "RS256",
"kid": "did:example:123#1"
"client_id": "did:example:123",
"client_id_scheme": "did",
"response_types": "vp_token",
"redirect_uri": "https://relying-party.acme.org/callback",
"presentation_definition": "..see PE chapter for examples..",
"client_metadata": {
"vp_formats": {
"jwt_vp_json": {
"alg": [
"mso_mdoc": {
"proof_type": [
See also: Presentation Exchange explanation
- The RP website return the signed Authorization Request Object JWT
- The wallet validates the Authorization Request signature (JWT) using the RP’s public key
- Was the signature valid and the key bound to the RP’s metadata? This ensures that the Authorization Request was not tampered with;
- The wallet validates the Presentation Exchange’s Presentation Definition to be valid (presentation_definition)
- The wallet optionally filters out any Verifiable Credentials that cannot satisfy the presentation_definition
- The wallet notifies the user in case credentials are missing. Or to be more precise, in case presentation_definition input descriptors cannot be satisfied.
- In the future a trust framework could would list all issuers and their credential types, allowing for a nicer UX, by redirecting the user to (Q)EAA Providers in case credentials are missing.
- Consent: The Wallet displays information about the identity of the Relying Party and the purpose, the user gives consent to present the (Q)EAA.
- JSON-LD W3C (Q)EAA The wallet generates a W3C Verifiable Presentation containing one or more proofs using wallet/device private key(s)
- (SD-JWT (Q)EAA) The Wallet generates a KB-JWT by signing over nonce and audience with device private keyv
- (SD-JWT (Q)EAA) The Wallet creates the presentation according to presentation_definition by cutting out the unnecessary Disclosures and appending the KB-JWT
- (Mdoc (Q)EAA) The Wallet generates an Mdoc deviceAuth by signing the SessionTranscript with device private key
- (Mdoc (Q)EAA) The Wallet creates the presentation according to presentation_definition by cutting out the unnecessary Releases assembling the issuerAuth with deviceAuth
- JWT W3C VP The wallet generates a W3C VCDM 1.1 JWT encoded Verifiable Presentation containing one or more proofs using wallet/device private key(s)
- The wallet asks the user to authenticate, for instance using pin, face id or fingerprint
- The wallet creates a VP token and a presentation submission, describing the paths from the definition to the VC(s) contained in the VP.
- The wallet sends the VP token and presentation submission to the RP (encrypted to the RP’s ephemeral public key, not yet supported).
- The RP optionally decrypts the Authorization Response with its ephemeral public key created during the Authorization Request.
- The RP matches the browser session with the state parameter.
- The RP verifies the content of the vp_token. verifies its signatures, including these of credentials contained in presentation(s)
- The RP verifies the submission_data and vp_token against its definition
- The RP responds with HTTP 200 and acknowledges the received vp_token.
- The browser refreshes the RP’s website, either by polling regularly or by receiving a call from the RP, e.g. through websockets or webhooks.
- The RP matches the session_id from the Cookie
- matches this with the verification result.
- Returns the result to the browser or RS
- The browser continues the UX flow.